The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass leaving memories that become legend, then
legend fades to myth and are long forgotton when that age comes again. In one Age,
called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, A wind rose in the
Mountains of Dhoom. The wind was not the begining. There are neither beginings nor ends
to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But.. It was a begining.
Two shadowed sillouettes stood in the moonlit courtyard directly across from
eachother in silence. The thick air did not penetrate the unspoken look in their eyes
but did cut through like icy pinpricks through out the United Kingdom of Makliaar. Crystal
green eyes matched stare for stare with deep set lavender. A silent argument, yet the loudest
in all the world. Her dark brown layers flowing majestically in the winter winds, his cloak flapping
as fiercly as his stare. In final defense the lavender eyes gleemed darkly for a brief
second before he looked down, and she spoke. Whismical tones filled her voice along with a deep
tone of leadership.
"The chosen is coming, we have heard the voice. If prophecy is to be fufilled, he will come to
you, seeking your guidence. Teach him the old ways, he must be ready.
Give him your strength,
give him life. No one can know of our plans, NO ONE! When he arrives, send word to me immediatly!
Private word, the old tongue. This is our hour..."
Before he could get a word in, she dissapeared.
Standing alone in the late hours
looking up at the darkend sky, a blue aura fills the courtyard as a shadowed creature flies off
into the stars. Thoughts drift, how does she do that. Remembering how she gets to him. But then again,
she is the Amyrlin Seat.
Reforming back in her chamber, The Amyrlin sat down apperently to lost in thought to
notice her Keeper of Chronicles sitting in a chair next to the fireplace. Nyna Sedai of the Brown
Ajah, the Keeper of Chronicles walked over and gently touched Egewene on the shoulder.
Slowly snapping back to reality, reading the unspoken question in her eyes.
"It is done," the Amyrlin said quietly. "He now knows."
The Keeper let out a long awaited sigh, "Did it go well?"
The only answer she got was a long stare into the fire. The only sounds heared
the rest of the night was the fire crackling and the door softly clicking shut
from Nyna leaving.
Waking up with blurred eyes and a major headache, Kyria searched the
room for her assalients. Hearing familair voices around the room fussing over
whether or not she was awake now, and a faint murmer of sadness in her mothers voice.
Slowly begining to rise, she realized she was either in bed for weeks or almost healed
from being attacked. Before she got even half way up, she was gently but firmly set
back down by a beautiful woman that she could put no age to. Aes Sedai.
"You are very lucky I came when I did young one, or else, you would be having dinner with
the creator. Oh, do forgive my rudeness, I am called Narayana." Her dark eyes were cool
and mysterious. "And you, you are Kyria correct? Yes, I though as much."
Kyria licked her lips trying to get the cotton feeling out of her mouth. Aes Sedai were
things her mother always told stories of, however she had never actually met one. And now,
one was right in front of her, and used the One Power on her. She shivered inspite of herself.
"Ah, Na.., Uh Aes Sedai, Thank you. I was attacked, by uh.. Well I um.." Kyria looked
down in embarrassment.
"Attacked were you? Hmm, odd. By what, no, nevermind. I am sure you do not remember.
No matter. Rest, that is what you need. Tomarow, I shall return. We shall talk." And
with that, she got up gracefully and left with out a glance behiend. The people in the room
seemed like statues, unable to move until the Aes Sedai left. As soon as she was out of the room,
it was as if they all were finally freed from a long awaited prison. Her mother rushed to her side
in tears.
"I thought I lost you. Oh Thank the light! Your Okay. I was so scared." Kyria mother
trembled so much, her words were almost nonunderstandable.
Outside the door, Naryana Sedai caculated quietly in her head if it could be possible. Thinking she had to get a message back to the rest of
her Party, she walked off in silence, leaving her warder to trail beheind her in confusion.
Gazing at the frozen winter ice as it reflects the dismal effects of the season in my
eyes. Thinking of a warmer time when my mind drifted so often as I rode my beautiful
rone Brayden into the surf on all those heart warming summer nights. Seeming like ages
ago when I was here last, yet only in actuality a summer ago. Has Time really been the
force against me of late, or has it been the desire to wash away my tears that has drug me
to this precipice? It all seemed to start with the dying embers of winter and spring
hatching a new....
Winters edge stilled seemed to nip the air but Spring was here and giving old man
Winter a fight to the death. Fortunately Spring was winning in late March and the new
wind that was blowing told of change. The town seemed to have a certain bounce to their
step, and a chime to their voice as most carried on about life. It was a happy time for
most. However, little did the Jaslea family know that a dark cloud had befallen their sick
mother and she would be taken from them very soon. But despite her sickness, she
maintained a good additude and kept her family in excellent spirits, for soon was the
marking of the official season change and feasting and celebrating would begin. The Shift
of Winds was celebrated all across the land at the change of every season, however in
Spring, it is followed by Lature de Minor in the Old Tongue, meaning and �Now into the
Light�. Lasting a full week, and ending on the full moon of Lature de Minor, it was the
second longest holiday season in the year. Preparations had already begun for the towns
feast, and despite missing her youngest daughter, Lady Jaslea had no worries over things
being done on time.
The Jaslea family had been nobles of a sort ever since time had been marked in the
little town of Caralilie, a providence of the legendary country Calystio where Queen
Jezalle of the house of Jaslea reigned. Granted Lady Jaslea was the youngest of six sisters
and a brother, but although she loved her family deeply, she never was into the noble ways
of life. Now having eight children of her own, the youngest twins, her life consisted of
running her peaceful town on the bay and raising her children with honor. Her Husband,
Sir Brocz Hartly was away conferring with the queen on personal matters on letting her
oldest daughter Jenn study under the High Council of Eight furthering her knowledge of
the Nation. Smiling to herself as Justice, her youngest son, came trotting up the hill on a
dapple, followed a blue rone and his twin sister Ali. Looking at her children, the youngest
both in their late teens, she wonders how come she does not feel old. Time was not taking
its toll, yet she feared that her sickness would end her very soon and she would miss all
those beautiful faces of her children in smiling admiration as they looked upon her and
Brocz. Oh how she adored her family. Pray she recover. Pray to the light that it was not
that late.
Handing Brayden, her blue rone, over to the stable boy, Ali winked at him and
laughed as he stumbled over himself trying not to blush. How she loved to tease!
Wondering if Justice had shut up about upbringing and sophistication she let herself hear
him and came to the realization he had not. Grinning to herself, she smoothed out her
dress and put on her best face as she entered smoothly as if nothing had happened. Greta,
her sister gave her a stare down and stuck up her nose so high she was sure that her sister
was attempting the sniff the ceiling.
�Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to be refereed to as your sister? I
had to tell people that you were sick in bed and that they could not have possibly seen
you sword fighting! Mother is furious. We need your help with the feast, not you
embarrassing the family openly! She is still sick you know!� Stalking away, thumping
hard on the steps as if to try and break the marble itself Greta disappeared from view.
Sighing loudly Ali looked up at Justice. �Mother is not all that furious is she? I do
hope not. It is all in good fun. Why must it be so humiliating that I want to learn the
trade of a sword. After all, Grandfather did give it to me.� Sighing again, and not waiting
for a reply, she drugingly climbed the stairs to her parents room.
Seemingly endless minutes passed as she stared at her mothers door, however
only a few seconds passed before her mother called out for her to enter. Startled,
knowing she crept up the stairs and could not have been heard, she slowly opened the
door, peaking a head in before entering completely. Her mother sat in front of the
window in a red silk gown, golden hair wrapped in a braid that hung loosely down the
middle of her back, laced with blue ribbons and a silver ti�ara snug on her head, she looked
everything a noble would be, even when she turned and deep blue eyes looked across the
room directly at her. Almost immediately Ali began to explain herself hurriedly, tongue
tripping over words. But one look silenced her, and her mother patted the chair next to
her. Walking over and carefully sitting down Ali opened her mouth, but it was her mother
that spoke.
�Alianna, darling, does life as you know it bore you so much here?� After only the
slightest of nods her mother continued in a delighted tone. �You remind me of myself so
much that it is hard to discipline you at times. However you are 17 years old, and I can no
longer hold your hand. Also you are nobly born, and to some edge you must act it. You
are very beautiful and charming, but I must confess, you are wild as any child can be.�
Smiling a secretive smile almost to herself, her mother put a hand on Alianna�s.
�Daughter, I admire your strength and you have a great wisdom that I cannot fathom
where you have learned it. Maybe you and your brother Justice should go to Calystio and
see your Aunt for awhile. I have a feeling you would enjoy it.� Letting out a small breath
Alianna looked up at her mother in excitement and confusion.
�Mother? I.. well at least to say, do you really mean it? I can.. well... we can
go?� Grinning Alianna hugged her mother as soon as she nodded her head in agreement.
�Will Justice approve, after all he is a stick in the mud at best!� A slight frown from her
mother sent her babbling to recover, but her mother just smiled as they talked of things
that she had to do and absolutely could not do in front of her Aunt. After all she was the
Just as dawn was peeking over the horizon, all eight siblings stood outside waiting
for their father to reach them. Scattered about in no particular order, the waited patiently
as the cloud of dust got closer. Dreyez the oldest, sat on a outcrop of quartz fiddling with
his pipe, he was to be 27 in a few days, and acted as if he was already head of the manor.
Jenn dreamy 22 year old who picked out buds on a tree near, and Jasper just barely 24
nibbled on an apple. Alianna and Justice sat on their knees on the ground still blurry eyes
from the early hours, while Greta seemed to scowl at everything. Marty had a pretty girl
on his lap, no doubt another he drug home from the tavern last night, and Dash played
with a kitten. None looked a like at first glance but all had distinguishing marks of their
heritage. From Alianna and Justice with their reddish copper hair, to Dash with her high
cheek bones, and Greta with her pouty lips. They all had something that could mark them
as a Jaslea. Jasper was the first to reach their father and wrap has arms around him in a
giant bear hug. All of the children surrounded him with hugs and warm welcome homes,
even a bowl of warm porridge came from someone. Leading their father to the house
warning him not to wake up mother until he at least had a gift, that earning a few
to how well things were going for the feast, even that earned a few laughs in itself.
Shooing the kids off to bed warning them if they were grumpy he would get them,
laughing in humor, he snuck upstairs to his wife.
Opening the doors quietly not to wake her, his breath caught seeing her lying
there, the moons pale essence shimmering off her golden hair. He wondered to himself
how he got so lucky, not for the first time not the last he imagined. Opening up a small
velvet bag, taking out a glittering ring, he carefully woke up his wife by slipping it on her
finger. A warm smile touching his lips as she opened her eyes to see the glint of her ring,
and then the warm fresh kiss to him brought a slight tear to his eyes.
�Have I been away so long as to have felt that kiss as if it were the first? Yet I still
feel the hunger left from the last. Woman you mix me so!� Smiling to herself she replied
�Tis a good thing you are mixed husband, or else what would keep you to me?� A
long lasting hug to each other and he crawled into their bed and held her for the remainder
of the morning. Thinking all the while what he ever did to deserve her and she what she
did to deserve him. Pray it not that late.
Later in the afternoon, the feasting began. For it was the beginning of the Shifting
of Winds, and Spring had finally beaten old man Winter. All around the town you could
hear music and laughter and everywhere you looked was a smiling face. Even Old Maid
Lulie came out for the celebration. Three days into the celebration Lady Jaslea collapsed
during a dance and was rushed back to the manor house to be seen by the council of the
wise. Immediately a horseman was dispatched to the Palace for more help. The town was
told it was a fever and all was well and back to the feast and celebrating. But all was not
well. Some figured it out, and kept quiet, but most noticed the drawn faces of the children
most of all, and braced themselves for the worse. At anytime of the day or night,
someone sat by her side. Brocz held her hand professing his undying love to her and
reciting poetry or stories she adored. Light she loved that man. Once he told her; �Jillian
darling, I believe in you, heart and soul, and no matter what happens you are immortal in
my eyes and my heart, Gateway to my soul, honor in my bones, I will love you forever, my
dearest Jillian of the house of Jaslea, Daughter of Ronin and Desia.� And he touched his
lips then his heart. It was his wedding vow to her. That was the last she ever heard. He
cried as he closed her eyes with his own fingers, and trembled and quivered and he held
her for the last time.
It was a gloomy crisp morning the day they buried her. As the last rose was laid
on her grave, the sun shone down on them bringing warmth to the morning, and all knew
she was looking down on them. They buried her beneath the old willow tree that her
mother and father were married under and buried under. Her stone reading:
Immortal in our hearts and in our souls
loved and cherished by all
true beauty and courage until her last breath
here lies our love
Jillian, Daughter of Ronin and Desia of the House of Jaslea
Tears nor words could express what was felt, and no one tried. The town
celebrated under the full moon not only for Lature de Minor, but also they celebrated that
their beloved Lady was now in peace. Unfortunately the Queen could not attend but sent
a letter to th em wishing the best and to come and visit anytime they wish. Weeks had
passed by and it was now late April. Conferring with her twin, Alianna set forth to tell her
father that she and Justice would be leaving soon, hoping it would not break his heart.
�Father will just die if he loses us too! He will never allow it.� Making a vexed
sound Alianna frowned at her brother. But he kept talking. �I know you want to leave, I
do as well. I have heared to many stories of a great city but have never seen one. And it
has been forever since I have seen Aunt.. Err.. The Queen. But Father needs us Ali! He
will be devastated!� Patting her brother on the cheek, and smiling, Alianna stood,
straightening her skirt, and smoothing down her dress.
�I fear I cannot stay. I loved mother so, and I plan to keep our plan. She told us
to go! Do you think it would honor her not to? No.. No do not shake you head at me! I
will talk to Father. He will understand. Besides Since Jenn has decided to stay here for
now, Someone must go. And their is two of us. Plus, She invited us. Open Arms
remember?� Smiling as Justice nodded in agreement, Alianna set forth to her father
running plans of what to say over in her head repeatedly.
Trying not to look nervous, Alianna and Justice walked down the road back to the
manor house where their father was. Talk in the town reached their ears quickly and
startled them to find their was a Aes Sedai staying at the Crowns Cousin, a local Inn close
to the towns square. When they arrived at home, they became even more surpassed when
Dash told them their father was busy speaking to the Aes Sedai and had been detained all
�Whatever does she want with Father?� Justice asked incredulously. Just as Greta
stalked up complaining about Aes Sedai having no business here. Before long, all the
siblings were in the hall yelling over each others voices about everything from respecting
Aes Sedai to Flogging them publicly to teach them to stay out of the town and its
business. Before long, their Father came out with a handsome woman, ageless seemly. All
thoughts froze. Aes Sedai. She wore a completely blank expression no doubt hearing
every word said. Greta wore a furious mask of disgust, while Dreyez, Jenn, and Jasper all
blushed and looked mortified. Dash was unreadable, her face seemed torn between shame
and utter embarrassment, while Alianna and Justice were in awe. The only blank face was
Marty. He usually did not seem to care about to much in general. Their father introduced
her finally after a long hard stare that promised trouble later. Her name was Sha�ori Sedai
of the Yellow Ajah. The Healing Ajah. She herself apologized on being to late to save
their mother and bowed her head slightly to acknowledge their grief. Also announced that
she was going to see the Queen and would like to accompany Alianna and Justice on their
journey. That in itself brought confused and astonished looks with the exception of their
father who must have been told somehow. Then the Sha�ori Sedai expressed her wishes
when to leave, which was almost immediately and left. Stunned silence still filled the
room, and most left as quickly as possible so not to catch their fathers wrath. However he
said nothing and called to the twins to come with him. Both gulping loudly, they followed
in silence. In the hall as they called it, their father took his seat and motioned them to sit
as well. Long mintues passed in utter defening silence before he spoke to them. Jumping
as he spoke.
�Sha�ori Sedai has told me of you two wanting to go to the city. By the looks of
your faces when she said so, you had not told her or anyone of your plans yes?� They both
shook their heads still wide eyed from her actually knowing. �My father told me once,�To
trust an Aes Sedai is to put a price on your head.� I never doubted him on that.
However, now I must find myself trusting her with my children. I dislike that, however
since it was your mothers wishes to have you go, I let you go.� Shock filled their faces
right at the mothers wishes and on. Their father took that and went on. �I am guessing
no one knew of your mothers wishes either. I know I did not. I always wondered if those
woman could look into your eyes and read your thoughts. However, your mother was a
friend of hers apparently, and she did ride dead on here as soon as she had heared she had
taken ill.� His hands trembled as he cluched his chair, trying not to let the tears filling his
eyes run free. Exhaling slowly he went on. �Your mother, was.. once. In the White
Tower. I must tell you of this and you two only, because you will be riding to the Queen.
And ignorance is not a good quality on meeting family or your queen. When your Aunt
Jezalle was raised to Queen, bless the light, Aes Sedai came to her. Your mother was very
young. And the Aes Sedai took her back to the White Tower. And...� He took a nother
deep breath again, muttering about punch, then continued. �She was trained. When she
was twenty two, she took the test to be an Aes Sedai, and passed. However, she left the
tower and returned home, never to speak it to anyone, later to marry me and have
children.� Alianna had tears in her eyes, and Justice was crying openly. Their mother an
Aes Sedai. A tower witch as people called them. It changed nothing. Or had it. �I only
tell you this because I did not want you to find out from your Aunt. She is the only one
who knows apparently. And Also because you two are the strongest. You must get
packing. The Aes Sedai means to leave at dawn, that does not give you much time. I
wish to have dinner with all of my children before I lose two of them.� Rising up, he
smiled softly and walked out with out another word.
Dinner was all smiles and praises, with messages to give to their Aunt, and making
sure they write often. Before to long they were packed and sleepless despite an
exhausting day, and one to follow. Dawn brought new light, and feelings to everyone and
after hugs and good bye�s were made, the little party sat out east opposite of their beloved
bay and town. The strange little procession made up of the twins, the Aes Sedai and her
warder, a handful of servants and their horses made their way towards the city of Calystio,
and a new life they had no idea they were about to embark on.
Sitting alone in her chambers, Queen Jezalle twisted her saphire necklace around in
her hands gazing off into nothing. Her last living sister gone. Perhaps it was time to
marry. She was getting rather lonely in her years. Handsome more than beautiful, she
always admired her mother and sister for their beauty, however she was Queen now, and
beauty was the least of her thoughts. Mahri Sedai, her council was waiting outside, she
was of the Gray Ajah. Always a good woman, always a excellent advisor. But , due to
recent events, could she trust her with this secret? Struming her nails over the jewels in
exasperation, she finally snaped back to herself with a click of her teeth, and called in her
The Aes Sedai gave a slight of bows, somewhat of a lesser equal type, she and the
Queen were friends after all, and nodded to the man to close the door behiend her.
Looking at at the Queen she tsked under her breath, she looked so ragged of late. The
Lady of Caralillie, Jillian, was her last surviving sister and seemingly the only one who was
close. Her death, the light illuminate her, had brought the queen into a state of mind that
was quite fragile. She seemed to keep to herself of late, and others were begining to
notice. She should just marry and spout children before it is to late. Cool crisp serenity
stared down at the Queen, dark knowing eyes seaching through haggard blue eyes that
seemed to stare through her instead of at her. This was not like her at all.
�My Queen? You asked for me?� Jeazalle�s eyes seemed to take on a different
light as if she had just realized someone was there. �You do need some rest, your
Majasty. Have you slept? If you wish it, I could wash away your fatigue. It would just
be...� Walking closer to Jezalle, hands reaching out to her, she was cut short by the
Queen screaming bsolutly not in fury. Startled, but not showing it, Mahri smiled as if
nothing had happend and all was well. �Very well then. What business shall I see to you
Gathering her composure back, Jezalle spoke in her regal tone that she used while
addressing people, not her council, nor her friend. �A pigeon has arrived this evening
bearing news of my twin neice and nephew on their way here. They are traveling with an
Aes Sedai, a Sha�ori Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. What can you tell me of this woman?�
�She was a fine student. Very talented in healing. Of course being a Yellow that
was obvious. When I returned to the White Tower many years ago, summoned by the
Amyrlin Seat, a few years before you became Queen, she was a novice, and I sat in for
Alynis Sedai for the afternoon to see how well the students were doing. She was very
remarkable. Have faith your Majesty. If they are with her, they are well in good hands�
Smiling faintly, the Aes Sedai wove a ward around the room from eyes and ears. �Jezalle�
Feirce eyes whiped to her smoldering with rage and contemp. Being anyone but Aes
Sedai would back away from that stare, but Mahri just looked back with ease, appearing
to anyone else almost.. bored. Continuing smoothly Mahri pulled up a chair, as she spoke.
�It pains me to see you like this. I have been in your council for nearly twenty years, and I
have grown quite fond. However, you have been behaving rather... strange of late. And
as your Advisor and council, I am here for you, as a friend as well.� The rage left her eyes
and a a slight softness of exhaustion replaced it.
�Mahi Sedai, I wish you to bring me General Ty�ris so we may discuss a party dispached
to greet my neice and ne