Alianna Rose Mandragoran Sedai

Alianna Rose Mandragoran Al'Zanki Sedai, Watcher of the Seals, Keeper of the Flame,
High Seat of the Seven Towers, The Amyrlin Seat. Formally of the Green Ajah. Raised to the Amyrlin Seat
1999fy(free year), and appointed her Keeper, Aditu Sedai of the Brown Ajah, later
that year. Having two powerful warders, Phobos, the God of the Sun, and Lord Perrin Aybara Golden Eyes,
a ta'vern and friend to Rand Al'Thor and also bearing a Sa'Angreal called the Iris Staff, she holds the Amyrlin Seat
as the most powerful and resorceful Amyrlin of this age. She wears a family heirloom
that is a tailsman called the Soul of Mandragoran. Once belonging to her Grandfather
al'Lan Mandragon uncrowned King of Makliaar before the great nation was rebuilt. Being
the only living family member left, she guards the sword with her life. It was once
believed the tailsman held power. However, it was never proven.