Caller of Storms, Gaiden to Labyrinth Sedai, and an Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Powerful
in earth, able to control any and all weather at his whim. Blademaster, poet, lover.

The biggest storm ever to hit the world hit the day
he was born. As if the gods called upon every bit of electricity and energy,
combined it with every ounce of ferocity of the weather they could muster, then drained it
all into this newborn child. Thus creating Stormcaller. One of the Immortals, earning his
stature among them at a very young age. The only being in history who is able to
control all types of weather. He is very shy, very secretive, however a romantic
and a poetic lover. Legend has it that when ever the moon is the color of blood and a
deadly storm can be seen coming over the horizon, it is Stormcallers longing morn
for another love he had just lost. A rumored city, a rumored belief, the hidden city of
Valias. A place where it is never at one place at one time, home to the Immortals. Vast
knowledge is here and only a few people have ever found it in a life time. It is also
been rumored to hold the secret to life... The eye of the world. Also, home to Stormcaller.